The Miracle of Family: A Reunification Story

Today’s post was contributed by Lisa Nunn. Last July, Lisa came to CCS as a family consultant in our Therapeutic Foster Care program. She has since been promoted to TFC Intake Supervisor. During the transition, our other skilled family consultants took over most of Lisa’s cases but she continued to serve a few youth with whom she had built a deep relationship. Lisa wanted to share the story of one of those youth whose time with CCS is coming to a close. Do not fret for this story has a happy ending!  

I have been working with a youth since July of last year and she has been with one of our Therapeutic foster parents since May of last year.

This youth was adopted at the age of 2, it was an open adoption; therefore, she was never in state care. A year later the adoptive family moved from out of the state where the child was adopted and did not stay in contact with her biological father. They moved several times and ended up here in GA where they placed our youth in custody based on their inability to care for her needs. The biological father was never told where his child was. Ten years after not knowing where his child was, he discovered she was in DFCS custody here. He immediately contacted DFCS and this past fall he attended court where a reunification case plan was ordered. This youth told her teacher that meeting her father was the happiest day of her life.

Since October of last year I have been working weekly with both the youth and her father, along with his wife and their daughter, to build relationships via FaceTime.

At the 3 month review in January it was ordered for this youth to do a home visit before the April court date. DFCS sent this youth to visit with her father and extended family during the Easter/Spring Break holiday. The court review was held at the end of April where the Judge ordered that once school ended (5/21) this young person would move back to the state of her birth to be with her father and in 6 months or less his rights will be restored.

I asked this youth if I could take her somewhere/anywhere before she left where would she want to go. She answered the Georgia Aquarium. Well…. A BIG THANKS to One Simple Wish, this youth and I will be going to the Aquarium this Saturday. And bitter-sweetly Sunday morning she will board a plane to fly to be with her father.

Thank you for allowing me to share!

Lisa M. Nunn

Lisa and this youth’s story is a shining example of the work our Therapeutic Foster Care team does to fight for what is best for the children they serve. All of us at CCS are sad to see this youth go but also thrilled for her to be reunited with her family.